Fast & Nutritious Family Meals - Wednesday 2nd October

  • Sticky Hoisin & Plum Chicken
  • Fish Goujon Tacos with Pea & Mint Salsa
  • Chicken, Kale, Orzo with Pesto Crumb
  • Five Spice Beef & Broccoli 
  • Pancetta Wrapped Cod with Peas, Leeks & Potatoes
  • Cottage Pie with Cauliflower Cheese Topping
  • Butternut Mac & Cheese
  • Spicy Lamb Stuffed Tomatoes
  • Baked Buttermilk Parmesan Chicken with Tomato Sauce
  • Ginger & Treacle Sponge Pudding
  • Toffee Apple Cake


10.30AM - Arrival tea, coffee, soft drinks and homemade biscuits. A chance to get to know the group and prepare for a few hours of cooking heaven.

11.00AM – The cooking demonstration will start and last for around 2½ hours.

1.30PM – All the food cooked is served for lunch with wine – you will receive a folder with all Phyl’s recipes and handy hints and tips.

3.00PM – Depart.

No longer available.